Why You’re Not Losing Weight: Part 2

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For optimum weight loss , knowing how to eat is just as important as knowing what to eat. Meals should be spaced throughout the day and in portions that will not be so large they are debilitating and require a nap or rest before getting anything done in the day. When trying to find portion control, eat food slow enough to enjoy it when you can, and by the end of your meal you should feel comfortably full, but not tired or sick. America has this twisted way of telling us we have to eat until we need a nap and stretchy pants, so its not uncommon to find that youve been eating too much your whole life. Chances are, after simply eating a little bit less and more snacking throughout the day alone, youll notice an improvement in how you feel and how you look.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.examiner.com/article/why-you-re-not-losing-weight-part-2


Almonds for weight loss

“There were consequences to eating so much junk,” she says. “I was in and out of the hospital multiple times for exhaustion, malnutrition and dehydration. I realized my whole quest to have an amazing body needed to be seriously reevaluated,” she admitted, adding, “Just because you’re thinner doesn’t mean you’re healthier. I made it my mission to figure out the very best ways to control my weight and be healthy at the same time.” Ladies Home Journal So what are her tips for shedding those pesky pounds in time for summer?
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.eonline.com/news/521185/maria-menounos-talks-40-pound-weight-loss-i-used-to-eat-7-slices-of-pizza-in-one-sitting

Maria Menounos Talks 40-Pound Weight Loss: “I Used to…Eat 7 Slices of Pizza in One Sitting”

Maria Menounos, Ladies Home Journal

These nuts are healthy and are rich in healthy fats which offer a high level of satiety. Besides, they are also loaded with numerous nutrients like vitamins and minerals, which will help you to lower your carbohydrate cravings and so, help you lose weight. Almonds are also rich in minerals like manganese, copper and magnesium and B-complex vitamins like niacin and biotin, which help to activate the energy production in our bodies. So, the more active your body is, the more it will burn calories. This nut is also good for your overall health, because of its heart healthy property also known as monounsaturated fatty acids.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/health-fitness/health/Almonds-for-weight-loss/articleshow/24027910.cms